We spent Saturday morning getting to PEI. We crossed the bridge.

Crossing the Confederation Bridge.
Then it was off to the Charlottetown Farmers Market to buy new potatoes and mini doughnuts. To be honest, we could buy the potatoes lots of places but the real lure is the doughnuts.

Don't ask how long it takes us to go through a bag of 20 of these...
Then it was time to check into the cottage and hit up the local stores for the rest of our supplies. We had our now traditional first night in PEI dinner of steak, potatoes, and green beans.

It's a tradition!
On our way into town we missed that there was a new dairy bar so obviously we had to check that out. I doubt it will be the only time we stop there this trip.

Yay for ice cream!
Sunday did not bring the sun but we don't let that stop us from hitting the beach. Instead of sunning ourselves we walked most of the length of Panmure Island beach. We were there in time to catch the end of low tide, so Lee got to spend a bit of time on sand bars.

There's nothing like a good sand bar!
I had some good luck finding sea glass. I hadn't found much the last couple of years but I found a few pieces this time, including this really large piece.

Sea glass = treasure!
After all that walking we were kind of hungry so we hopped in the car and headed for Murray Harbour and Brehaut's. There was a bit of a wait but soon enough we were digging into our cup of chowder.

Mmm a cup of chowder and a biscuit. Best way to start a meal!
We surprised ourselves when neither of us had dessert. No pie for us! Though it must be said that Lee had a banana milkshake with his meal.
We walked off a bit of our meal by stopping at King's Castle where the large cement figures are every bit as creepy as I remember.

Dorothy, why are you so PINK?
And some things were even creepier than I recalled.

I suppose jack-o-lanterns are supposed to be scary...
But not everything is scary. The wooden fort was awesome and Lee was sad he was too big to play in it. And the play structures are fabulous with a mix of new ones and old school metal ones that would never be constructed today.
We wandered a bit on the way back to town. We stopped to say hello to the buffalo at Buffaloland.

Hello buffalo!
Shortly after that it started to rain and we headed back to the cottage. Now we're sitting around, waiting to get hungry again so we can make dinner.
It's not a bad way to spend a Sunday. Not at all.